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Author Title Folder Created
Kerland Elder 1st Macro of a Fly

This is my second attempt at taking insects in the macro mode, my first being a black ants on a flower posted couple weeks ago, which lost the details in compressing the file, its a real learning curve in processing these files and still mentaining sharp details, but with the wealth of info that one get's from this site it doesn't cost nothing to keep on trying, and one day you'll be happy to know that you now master what was so difficult to do in earlier times.

rasputtin 30-May-2005
Michel France 1st Photo Contest Entry (Dec 2004) 2 votes!!!! Michel France 22-Dec-2004
Igor M 2 1 26-Feb-2006
Hans Gerlich 2 H Gerlich 22-Apr-2007
Dido Mihajlov 2 Madrid 31-Aug-2007
Michael Wollen 2 Ducks Phoenix 02-Mar-2009
Sahan J 2 Hearts, 1 Life

At a birthdy dinner. Just another random picture without much preperation.

Sahan 8080wz 09-Jan-2005
ricky kuswardono 2 kids and a monkey

the older kid try to make her younger brother not to affraid of the monkey

Animals 27-Dec-2009
Neil Macleod 2 Trains at Red Light Landscape_1 03-Apr-2010
Alfred Molon 200 most recent images Documents 18-Jul-2008