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1st Macro of a Fly


1st Macro of a Fly
Copyright ©2005, Kerland Elder
Viewed times

This is my second attempt at taking insects in the macro mode, my first being a black ants on a flower posted couple weeks ago, which lost the details in compressing the file, its a real learning curve in processing these files and still mentaining sharp details, but with the wealth of info that one get's from this site it doesn't cost nothing to keep on trying, and one day you'll be happy to know that you now master what was so difficult to do in earlier times.

Photographer: Kerland Elder
Folder: rasputtin
Uploaded: 30-May-2005 21:36 CEST
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C5060
Exposure time: 1/2.0 sec
Aperture: f8.0
Focal length: 11.50mm
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 80
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: HQ
Processing applied: Contrast, Color balance, USM, Cropping & resizing. PS 6.0
Image resized to: 554x800

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Great Fly

You learn very fast, very nice shot off this Fly.

Fonzy - at 23:35 CEST on 30-May-2005 [Reply]

Thank you very much !!!!

Fons, I appreciate you taking time to view and comment on my photo, and must say I'm proud to be part of this " EXCELLENT " bunch of digital photographers ( as a newbie to the art form ). It's people like You, Jens, Alfred, Randell, Rian to name a few that inspire folks like myself to do better everytime we press that shutter button, so guy's don't ever stop leading by example cause you got alot of disciples walking in your foot steps. Thanks again Fons.........hope this wasn't to long.

Kerland Elder at 05:39 CEST on 31-May-2005 [Reply]


For only a second attempt this is pretty good. Good magnification and depth of field. I assume fly is on window blind or curtain as the light is from behind. It is worth experimenting with camera flash as macro shots need lots of light.

Phil Battersby at 21:44 CEST on 01-Jun-2005 [Reply]

Thanks alot !!

Thank you Phil !! Your pointer's and comments are well taken here, I most definitely going to experiment with that technique, and yes the fly was sitting on a window curtain.

Kerland Elder at 04:15 CEST on 02-Jun-2005 [Reply]