The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Neal Friedenthal 1860 Colt Army Models, Early and Late

Two model 1860 army colts, early production with fluted cylinder and more common later production with rebated cylinder

Olympus "e" images 24-Apr-2012
Neal Friedenthal 1861 3" Ordnance Rifle

My ordnance rifle soon to be going to a new home

Olympus "e" images 28-Sep-2010
Andrew Mclean 1900

a local museum that looks at the life in the coal mines.

starting out 29-Feb-2008
Pekka Nihtinen 1941

Some memories of a tragic era. These things belonged to a man who was just 18 when he had to go to fight a war. He was a lucky one and survived and still lives. But there aren?t many of them among us anymore.

Common area 20-May-2006
DeeVee V 1946 T

Ford Model T headlights

UrbanScapes 08-Feb-2007
DeeVee V 1950

Chevrolet pickup truck grille

UrbanScapes 26-Feb-2007
Kevin Dude 1950 Pontiac

This is the hood ornament on a friend's 1950 Pontiac. It was past sunset and I was losing light fast. I had to shoot with my Olympus 55mm f1.2. I used 1/30 sec @ f2. I did the image circle then added the borders with PaintShop Pro XI after I resized and resharpened with Olympus Master 2.0.

Cars & Car Parts 16-Jul-2008
Nestor Santiago 1HValley72

This was taken in a pond using the under water housing for C-5060. I only approximated this shot so as not to disturbed them. The water level was 2.5 ft. I improved the contrast later in Photoshop.

NeSPhil 04-Dec-2005
kirsty bushell 1st dog portrait Common area 30-Dec-2006
Gary Hebert 1st E-500 shot E-500 shots 27-Nov-2005