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Author Title Folder Created
Hans Gerlich 3 H Gerlich 11-Apr-2009
brodie dugger 3 amigos

Kids sitting on the warmest day of the year so far

My Best 01-Apr-2010
Mike PADLEY 3 Boats

Taken early in the morning when the water was still.

Mike PADLEY 08-Sep-2006
Hans Gerlich 3 Colours H Gerlich 10-Oct-2006
dee vee 3 horsemen of the Apocalypse

Page Power plant

Spring in the Southwest 30-Jun-2013
Hans Gerlich 3 in 1 H Gerlich 12-Apr-2006
Hans Gerlich 3 Lady's H Gerlich 11-Apr-2007
Guy Roberts 3 palms Guy Roberts 18-Jul-2007
Dan Hottenroth 3 Rock Reflection DannyH 25-Oct-2009
Fonzy - 3 Starlings 3 Starlings in the backyard .
The winter color is a glossy iridescent black with purple and greens, the tips of the birds feathers have white stars. By spring the white feather tips have worn away, so that by the time of breeding season they are no longer noticeable.
My Birds 2006 03-Feb-2006