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Author Title Folder Created
manuel sousa Insect 11-Jul-2006
syed noman Insect PATJHAR 16-Mar-2007
Waldemar Ozminkowski Insect Macro photographs 19-May-2012
Bruno Nardin insect (2) DigitalH 13-May-2006
Fonzy - Insect - 01

After the Eclipse was over I spotted a Fly warming up in the sun.

My Insects 2006 31-Mar-2006
Dirk Guttmann insect 1 Macros dirk 13-Jul-2005
syed noman Insect 2(4mm)

This insect was about 4mm in size as you can see that he was hanging to the home window screen and also it was shot through the window glass.

PATJHAR 03-Apr-2007
Fonzy - Insect on a Rose

Found this insect , a kind off a Bee on a small white rose that is still blooming in my garden.....The Bee was ver cooperative in posing...;-0

My Insects 2006 19-Sep-2006
Fonzy - Insect on Lavendel
  • ***Nigel thanks for proving the name for this insect ....****
My Macro 2007 17-May-2007
Kristjan Juusu Insect Tioman

Bug, taken in Malaysian island Tioman

animals+insects 07-Jul-2009