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IR Vs Visible Light..

IR Vs Visible Light..
Copyright ©2007, Bruce Thomas
Viewed times

Fons asked me to post a pic showing what a Scene looked like in Infrared Vs the same scene "straight". So here it is. This IR is also Red/Blue "channel swapped".

The Infrared version is via an Olympus C-2020Z in full AUTO mode with the R-72 filter and a Nikon Soft #1

The Visible light version is via a Samsung S630 in full Auto...

Photographer: Bruce Thomas
Folder: Bruce Thomas
Uploaded: 30-May-2007 22:24 CEST
Current Rating: 9.00/1
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Camera: Olympus C4000
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Flash: no
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Image resized to: 1194x795

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Thank You Bruce

Wow, the difference in the two surely is striking. Thank you for this wonderful comparison!

Nyal Cammack at 23:46 CET on 05-Nov-2011 [Reply]