The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Denny Giacobe Hungry

Still playing with my new 35mm macro

DennyG 17-Feb-2008
Keith Long Hungry Keiths Pics 05-Aug-2008
may may Hungry Animal birds 27-Sep-2010
Deslyn Griffin hungry bird Photos 27-Aug-2010
Fonzy - Hungry Magpie This morning I heard quite some noise outside, opened the window and saw this Young Magpie begging for food... My Birds 2006 26-Jun-2006
Denny Giacobe Hungry2 DennyG 17-Feb-2008
jean marois Hunter at rest bugs and such 09-Jun-2010
Dave Hamlin Hunting For Dinner

Caught this guy at the edge of the woods hunting for dinner. 3/22/08 4:36 PM Catching them in their surroundings is not like taking a picture of them at a zoo or wildlife refuge. In their surroundings you do not have the chance for a second, better pic. I would have liked to get it's full face but was unable to do so.

0- Maine, USA by Dave Hamlin 23-Mar-2008
Greg Mennegar Hurricane Ridge OM-D E-M1 14-Jul-2014
Karen Jack Hut and Cold

Used my T2 filter to boost the sky against the white of the snow.

Landscapes/Seascapes 03-Mar-2007