The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Phil Battersby Greenfinch (Carduelis Chloris)

A nicely marked young greenfinch took its own photograph, what a talented bird. From my series of Bird Self Portraits.

Recent Photos 02-Jun-2005
Fonzy - Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris)

This bird the "Green Finch" showed up today in my garden...

My Birds 2006 09-Apr-2006
Dave Hall Greenfly on bluebell

OM 50mm reversed

David's flower photographs 17-Apr-2005
Dave Hall Greenfly on bluebell 1

OM 50mm reversed

David's flower photographs 17-Apr-2005
david hodges greenhouse dave's pics 08-Jul-2006
Sahan J Greenland

Hyde Park - Perth Western Australia

Sahan 8080wz 15-Jan-2005
Fonzy - Greenshield Bug E-30 18-Nov-2009
Randall Beaudin Gretel

A friends pet turtle

RanD'Art 08-Jun-2005
Ingrid Matschke Grevillea Close up/Macro 28-Feb-2007
Marco Lazzeri Grey crowned crane

Balearica regulorum regulorum

The most primitive of the living Gruidae. Thought to be a living fossil.

Marco 24-Apr-2006