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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > My Macro 2007 > HoverFly macro (2)

HoverFly macro (2)

HoverFly macro (2)
Copyright ©2007, Fonzy -
Viewed times

No , this time not the Sigma 150mm macro lens but the ED50-200mm.... I just was shooting some ducks when this little Hoverfly landed on a twig near me... So what do you do , change lenses or take the shot , well did the last and it seems to have worked out quite well...

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Macro 2007
Uploaded: 06-Apr-2007 16:11 CEST
Current Rating: 9.67/6
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time: 1/400
Aperture: 5.0
Focal length: 200mm
Lens: ED50-200mm
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied:
Various: Camera program set to macro-cropped to see how far you can go before losing detail
Image resized to: 629x822

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HoverFly macro (2)


This is really good, I like it very much. It seems brighter then the previous macro shots, is it the lens or just a brighter day?

Kindest Regards: Peter

Peter French at 16:33 CEST on 06-Apr-2007 [Reply]


G'Day Fons -

Yep; no doubt about it; you don't need a stinkin' macro lens. Knowing just how small these critters are this is simply amazing stuff you're cranking out of that ZD 50-200 lens - a-ma-ZING!!!

Are you sure you didn't toss a macro extension tube between the lens and the camera body for this and the other hover fly shot you just posted???

BTW: Go Team SPYKER!!!



Leon Plympton at 17:17 CEST on 06-Apr-2007 [Reply]


Very sharp and terrific colours!
I can spot your photos by just looking on the small thumbnails on the front page. How do you do it?


Torvald Bie at 17:21 CEST on 06-Apr-2007 [Reply]


Peter French wrote:
> This is really good, I like it very much. It seems brighter then the previous macro shots,
> is it the lens or just a brighter day?
> Kindest Regards: Peter

Thanks Peter,

Yes it was a sunny day today and that helped I guess....


Fonzy - at 18:13 CEST on 06-Apr-2007 [Reply]


Leon Plympton wrote:
> G'Day Fons -
> Yep; no doubt about it; you don't need a stinkin' macro lens. Knowing just how small these
> critters are this is simply amazing stuff you're cranking out of that ZD 50-200 lens - a-ma-ZING!!!
> Are you sure you didn't toss a macro extension tube between the lens and the camera body for
> this and the other hover fly shot you just posted???
> BTW: Go Team SPYKER!!!
> Ciao!
> -leon

Big laugh here Leon...thanks for the comment...
I guess it was the sunny weather that helped me , first time this result came out of the ED 50-200mm
There was nothing attached between the lens and the body....I checked...LOL


Fonzy - at 18:15 CEST on 06-Apr-2007 [Reply]


Torvald Bie wrote:
> Very sharp and terrific colours!
> I can spot your photos by just looking on the small thumbnails on the front page. How do you do it?
> Regards
> Torvald

Thank you very much Tovald this is a compliment and much appreciated...!
I just sit there in my garden , point and shoot nothing to it...


Fonzy - at 18:17 CEST on 06-Apr-2007 [Reply]


Great marvelous shoot Fons! The ED 50-200 mm is a very goed lens, you can use the EX 25 too!
So long ... Hans

Hans Gerlich at 20:04 CEST on 06-Apr-2007 [Reply]


Hans Gerlich wrote:
> Great marvelous shoot Fons! The ED 50-200 mm is a very goed lens, you can use the EX 25 too!
> So long ... Hans
Hi Hans ,

Thank you very much for the generous comment and rating..
I was planning already to make a few shots also with the EX25 attached to it.
Maybe tomorrow when the weather is still Oke...


Fonzy - at 20:33 CEST on 06-Apr-2007 [Reply]


Good shot Fons,I think you live for photography you keep comming up with good shots all the time.

syed noman at 01:06 CEST on 07-Apr-2007 [Reply]

Hoverfly Macro (2)


Lovely colours and detail.

Kindest regards: Karen

Karen French at 09:56 CEST on 07-Apr-2007 [Reply]