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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > My Insects 2006 > Hawthorn shieldbug - Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale

Hawthorn shieldbug - Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale

Hawthorn shieldbug - Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale
Copyright ©2006, Fonzy -
Viewed times

This is the first time I see a bug like this in my backyard ...

Lenght about 15mm not included the antenna's also 10-12-mm long..

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Insects 2006
Uploaded: 03-Nov-2006 21:09 CET
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time: 1/160
Aperture: 8.0
Focal length: 70mm
Lens: ED50mm+EC1.4
Focusing method: iESP P-AF
ISO: 100
White balance: Clouds
Flash: internal
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 599x800

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Nice bug. I think it is a shield bug, Carpocoris fuscispinus - Mike

Mike Babson at 20:59 CET on 04-Nov-2006 [Reply]


oops -I don't think it is Carpocoris fuscispinus but here are some more pictures of a hawthorn shieldbug, which are different again.

Mike Babson at 22:05 CET on 04-Nov-2006 [Reply]


Mike Babson wrote:
> oops -I don't think it is Carpocoris fuscispinus but here are some more pictures of a hawthorn
> shieldbug, which are different again.
> Mike
You are right Mike this is a shield bug , this brown version is seen not to often, the regular colour is green..
Thanks for looking at it and for the comment...

Best regards,

Fonzy - at 22:17 CET on 04-Nov-2006 [Reply]