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Damselfly (5)

Damselfly (5)
Copyright ©2006, Fonzy -
Viewed times

Shot this Damselfly on a sunny Autumn day in my backyard..

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Insects 2006
Uploaded: 31-Oct-2006 13:05 CET
Current Rating: 9.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time: 1/160
Aperture: 13
Focal length: 50mm
Lens: ED50mm
Focusing method: iESP P-AF
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format:
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 536x750

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Damselfly (5)

Glad to see it is all in focus now ;) I am not sure what color it is for the sky but overall the insect frames quite well.

Sergey Green at 19:41 CET on 31-Oct-2006 [Reply]


Sergey Green wrote:
> Glad to see it is all in focus now ;) I am not sure what color it is for the sky but overall
> the insect frames quite well.
> -
Thanks Sergey for the comment, sky was dull grey I replaced it but...


Fonzy - at 08:17 CET on 01-Nov-2006 [Reply]


Nigel Armes wrote:
> Fons, Nice uncluttered shot, the detail in the wing venation really stands out against the
> sky background. Well done. Nigel
Thank you very much Nigel, much appreciated..;-)

Best regards,

Fonzy - at 08:17 CET on 01-Nov-2006 [Reply]