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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > 0-0-2005 Pictures > My Birds 2005 > Raven (Corvus corax)

Raven (Corvus corax)

Raven (Corvus corax)
Copyright ©2005, Fonzy -
Viewed times

This Raven showed up today ....

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Birds 2005
Uploaded: 15-Nov-2005 16:51 CET
Current Rating: 8.50/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E300
Exposure time: 1/160
Aperture: 4.5
Focal length: 400mm
Lens: Sigma 400mm
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: external
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: Cropped
Various: Due off the low light conditions I used a fill in flash .
Image resized to: 750x1000

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You have some excelent wild life images Fons, the flash has helped bring out the shadow area well and has put a nice catch light in the Ravens eye.
Cheers Steve

Steve Elliott at 18:29 CET on 15-Nov-2005 [Reply]


Thanks Steve,

A rainy day, this makes it not easy to shoot .
Have setup my tripod and camera in the bedroom.
Between the drops I open the window and try to make a few pictures from the birds in our backyard.
Today a Raven yesterday a Blue tit and tomorrow , well we see.....;-)

Cheers, Fons

Fonzy - at 19:17 CET on 15-Nov-2005 [Reply]


Great shot Fons....bevellee

Bevellee Bryceson at 05:57 CET on 18-Nov-2005 [Reply]


As always thanks Bevellee for your comment and time to view my pictures..


Fonzy - at 21:57 CET on 18-Nov-2005 [Reply]