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Looking for lost ties... (2)

Looking for lost ties... (2)
Copyright ©2004, Moshe Ronen
Viewed times

Looking for a lost past... Tel Aviv flea market

Photographer: Moshe Ronen
Folder: People
Uploaded: 12-Oct-2004 15:57 CEST
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus
Exposure time:
Focal length:
Focusing method:
ISO: 80
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied: Levels, background replaced
Various: Following Dales's suggestion, I replaced the background and I also made another version, B&W - Duotone. However, looking back at the original, before any doctoring of the background, I find it now much more interesting. I think if conveys the surroundings, the flea market, it hints to where he found the letters... The versions without background may be better portraits, but I think they lost the message.
Image resized to: 800x658

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I agree I like the flee market in the background, not saying this sort of make over is a bad idea at all though. You could try masking the man out and then using the lens blur tool to blure the backgroud a little. Thus making the man stand out more and keeping the feel of the market in the image.

Ben Gaunt at 16:32 CEST on 12-Oct-2004 [Reply]


You are probably right Ben, I'll try it.

Thanks, Moshe

Moshe Ronen at 17:03 CEST on 12-Oct-2004 [Reply]