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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > Bill Hanks > Pixels and Panes

Pixels and Panes

Pixels and Panes
Copyright ©2004, Bill Hanks
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Photographer: Bill Hanks
Folder: Bill Hanks
Uploaded: 30-Dec-2004 06:06 CET
Current Rating: 7.00/1
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Camera: Olympus C5050
Exposure time:
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Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: Crop and Resize
Image resized to: 520x782

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Interesting reflections. Lacks an impression of depth - perhaps more branches of tree, which would aid composition as well. An interesting exercise, which would give a more abstract result would be to heavily crop around the building to the right with the reflections - I am sure that would look great if the original resolution was up to it.

Dave Bennett at 11:14 CET on 05-Feb-2005 [Reply]