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Repair or Replace

Repair or Replace
Copyright ©2005, Bill Hanks
Viewed times

Looks like the infamous ccd sensor died. Trying to decide whether to get the C-5050 repaired or buy a new C-7070

Photographer: Bill Hanks
Folder: Bill Hanks
Uploaded: 26-Jul-2005 23:13 CEST
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C5050
Exposure time:
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Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: re-size
Image resized to: 1200x1600

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Repair or Replace

Thanks Juan, When I first turned the camera on, I saw pink-purple shades in the lcd, took a few more and they got worse. The first thing I thought of(dreaded) was the ccd sensor. I tried two other CF cards and one xd card, all produced the same results. Why the 7070? I can get a new one for about $45.00 more than a refurbished C-5050, which will only have a 6 month warranty. I would rather stay with the 5050, but it may be a stupid move, since lots of 5050s die after a couple of years. Mine died after two years exactly. (U.S. price on for refurbished c-5050 about $300.00 thanks Bill

Bill Hanks at 18:00 CEST on 27-Jul-2005 [Reply]