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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > Didl's Oly C-7070 pics > The Hofburg at night - coloured

The Hofburg at night - coloured

The Hofburg at night - coloured
Copyright ©2005, Dietrich Gloger
Viewed times

The original, non-converted hofburg-shot.

Photographer: Dietrich Gloger
Folder: Didl's Oly C-7070 pics
Uploaded: 08-Dec-2005 12:54 CET
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C7070
Exposure time:
Focal length:
Focusing method:
ISO: 80
White balance:
Flash: no
Image format:
Processing applied: saturation, contrast, resized, sharpened
Image resized to: 600x800

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The Hofburg at night - coloured

I think it looks much better this way. I would touch on vertical perspective and add half a pixel of unsharp mask. The colors are nice.

Sergey Green at 20:09 CET on 08-Dec-2005 [Reply]