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Author Title Folder Created
Nyal Cammack Polar Bear

Since I'm a Polar Bear fanatic this picture was a natural. Got lucky and got him in a playful moment. Shot at the Portland, Oregon Zoo.

NCammack Photos 02-Aug-2011
Kerland Elder Polar Beer rasputtin 17-Jun-2005
Bob Anderson Polaris (The North Star)

This is a simple shot of Polaris (The North Star) while I was aligining my Telescope, a 4" (100mm) MAK by Zhumell, it was such a clear night here in Florida, the trick with the star burst is that I shot it thru my screen window. Nothing special just thought it was nice.

Bob's Shots 12-Jan-2008
Fonzy - Polarlys leaving port

This ship travels from south to north and visa versa in Norway. Main reason delivering goods and post to the outskirts inn to the fjords.. They also take a limited amount of passengers on board to travel up north or South.

My-Travel 21-Nov-2005
Peter Betts Pole Bean Flower

Pole Bean flower with new bean beside it. From our garden

PRB Images 02-Sep-2008
Ken Thomas Pole Dancer Reflecting Ken's Images 25-Oct-2012
Bruno Cola Poleiro Animals 23-Apr-2006
Horacio Di Nunzio Policarpo Bay End of the earth, Tierra del Fuego. Horacio. 22-Apr-2006
Hans Gerlich Police H Gerlich 27-Jan-2008
Dave Hall Police Launch, Tower Bridge, London.

Police launch leaving the hard near London Bridge.

London 24-Feb-2017