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Author Title Folder Created
luke buisson plane

telelens mto 1000 test

luke 21-Dec-2005
Waldemar Ozminkowski Plane with no fun

one of previus images: "Fun with plane" was made from this photo.

The rest 14-Jul-2012
Bruce Thomas Planet Sunshine...


Bruce Thomas 07-Jun-2007
paul missall Planning the Day Paul's World 14-Nov-2013
dee vee Plant

West Oakland

The Bay Area 14-Jan-2014
Woon Cherk Lam Plant in the Ditch Common area 12-Apr-2005
Mike Bywater Plantain

I'm no plant expert but this looks to me rather like a sparkler half-burned through!

Mike Bywater's Pics 25-Feb-2010
Gary Ayton Plasticized light

Sunlight and shadows on a model which is then plasticized.

Common area 25-Oct-2004
Zdenek Becak Platanus in autumn

Autumn planetree in Jaromer. I like these trees, they are very nice. Their origin is not Czech of course - they are from North America.

czech flowers 17-Mar-2006
Pekka Nihtinen Platform 6 at 7:40 am

Taking a train from Beijing northbound to Erlian. A bit of a cliché but light was shining so beautifully throght the openings of the platform roof so I couldn´t resist. In China people are more tolerant and a foreigner for example feels oneself more free to take photographs than in Russia. Russia is still a fairly xenophobic country and one has to be careful when shooting on railway stations. I speak Russian quite well so I can usually get out of these situations with small talk, humour and humility, but I have had some unpleasant experiences nevertheless.

Common area 21-Sep-2014