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Author Title Folder Created
Mark Lester Orange and Black Butterfly

Orange and black butterfly - 12 June 2004.

Mark's Nature Photos 04-Jan-2010
Mark Lester Orange Butterfly

Butterfly at Exposition Park - 12 June 2004.

Mark's Nature Photos 03-Jan-2010
Natasha SS Orange cat OlympusLover NSS 18-Nov-2006
Zahari Majid Orange Cat Arie'z Photo Collection 18-Jan-2009
Julio Vannini Orange clouds

A big orange cumulus as seen from the road as I traveled back from the office to home. I had to drive a little fast in order to reach the right place for the shot because the Sun was quickly setting. Other locations where too crowded with so many distracting stuff.

Vannini Pics 28-Sep-2014
Bill Hanks Orange Flower Bill Hanks 03-Jul-2005
Joe Saladino Orange Orb Weaver Spider

An orange orb weaver spider preparing to spin a new web.

Critters 19-Oct-2013
Neal Friedenthal orange pepper

cut orange pepper back lit by sun

Olympus "e" images 14-Mar-2014
Donald Bryant Orange Pickup

Isolation from a flashy truck restoration.

Shapes 02-Dec-2005
Valorie Spencer Orange Purple Pansies

Now you know why Disney used pansies as lion faces in Alice In Wonderland. This picture taken at Florida State Fairgrounds. Slight breeze blowing made it difficult to get all pansies facing the same direction.

Florida Style 20-Feb-2005