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Barry Vreyens Mushroom

I saw this growing on the side of a tree on my way home today. Had to go and get my camera. It is laetiporus sulphureus: The Chicken of the Woods mushroom. Yes it is edible.

Barry's 04-Oct-2008
Ricardo Rico Mushroom Ricardo R. Rico 04-Mar-2006
Kim Willer Mushroom Kim's photo 17-Sep-2006
Hans Gerlich Mushroom H Gerlich 17-Sep-2006
Theo van Hest Mushroom (Agaricus praeclaresquamosus)

This photo is the choice of my wife.

Theo v Hest 19-Oct-2007
Theo van Hest Mushroom (Phallus impudicus)

This photo is the choice from my wife

Theo v Hest 19-Oct-2007
Arnold Schenkel Mushroom 1

This is one of the first shots that i have taken with my 8080WZ.

Schenkel 19-Jul-2005
Arnold Schenkel Mushroom 2

This shot is taken by my wife.

Schenkel 19-Jul-2005
Ingrid Matschke Mushroom on the forest floor

Taken at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens in the late afternoon light, autumn 2007.

Close up/Macro 06-Jun-2007
Fonzy - Mushroom(Macrolepiota rachodes var. bohemica )

August warm weather , you dont think to see Mushrooms that early.

My Macro 2006 18-Aug-2005