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Author Title Folder Created
krich chotikarn Live concert chotto's gallery 23-Feb-2009
Wen X Zhong Liverpool Vincent's C-8080 Folder 05-Jul-2005
Wen X Zhong Liverpool (2) Vincent's C-8080 Folder 05-Jul-2005
Ricardo Rico Liverwort (Scapania)

Liverworts are very related with the mosses. The spores capsule split in 4 valves, the stalk is very delicate.

Ricardo R. Rico 16-Jun-2006
Robert Melnyk Lives Lived

War Veteran's Cemetary

Bob M's 11-Sep-2007
Fonzy - Living between water

This little town surrounded with canals, transportation boat's only .

My-Travel 14-Aug-2005
Craig Williams Living Christmas Tree

The "Living Christmas Tree" at our church in December 2007.

cwilly8 05-Feb-2008
Olav Agnar Frogner Living in Sulina

The Danube Delta is perhaps the least inhabited region of temperate Europe. In the Romanian side live about 20,000 people, of which 4,600 in the port of Sulina, which gives an average density of approx. 2 inhabitants per kmē. The rest is scattered in 27 villages, of which only three, all situated marginally, have more than 500 people (2002).

Danube Delta 01-Oct-2011
Bruce Thomas Living with castles... Bruce Thomas 04-Jun-2010
Glenn Higgs Livvy in Leaves

Same picture as before but smaller.

Glenn Higgs 23-Nov-2005