The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Nyal Cammack In The Rigging of the Black Pearl

The Black Pearl (yes, the same one from the movie with Mr. Depp) was in port when we pulled into San Juan. Got this shot as the crew was up in the rigging, stowing the sails.

NCammack Photos 24-Dec-2011
David Atrakchi in the shade

shot this at very low light, no tripod, demonstrates the speed of the lens

David's 17-May-2008
Fonzy - In the shadow of the green( Brugge) My E-510 01-Jul-2007
Gundega Dege In the silence sundew 15-Aug-2006
Bruce Thomas In the sweet light...

Making the effort to be there when the light is sweet.

E-330 11-22mm Zuiko lens. 2.5 seconds @ F16 100 ISO

Bruce Thomas 23-Sep-2007
Dave Hall In the trees.

Got lots of I'm,ages of him on stick. I like this one, more natural.

Dave Hall's bird photographs. 23-Jun-2014
Filaretos Doukas in the water 1PicsFromGreece 27-Apr-2007
David Burrows In the woods

First go with my new infrared filter :) In the old castle gardens near my house.

David's pics 19-Jul-2006
Denny Giacobe In The woods

Found this old shed in the woods of northern PA.

DennyG 20-May-2008
Denny Giacobe In The Woods (2)

This is back behind my home.

DennyG 28-Dec-2011