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Author Title Folder Created
Valorie Spencer Honeymoon Storm

At Honeymoon Island with a storm approaching. A lone surfer is taking advantage of the breakers.

Florida Style 24-Feb-2006
Alfred Molon Hong Kong by night

Hong Kong by night as seen from the Victoria peak

Alfred Molon 07-Feb-2005
Lee W Hong Kong Ferry Lee's Collections 08-Dec-2007
Alfred Molon Hong Kong skyline by night

Panorama image of Hong Kong's skyline, assembled from 16 RAWs from the Olympus 8080. Full size resolution: 13345 x 6328 pixel (84 MP - my largest panorama ever)

Alfred Molon 25-Apr-2005
Leo Luk Hong Kong with OM OM Lens in 3/4 31-Dec-2005
Leo Luk Hong Kong with OM 2 OM Lens in 3/4 31-Dec-2005
Mike Bywater Honister Pass1

View from the top of Honister Pass in the Lake District (England)

Mike Bywater's Pics 12-Mar-2010
Greg Mennegar Hood Ornament Greg's e-3 21-Apr-2013
Jens Birch Hooded crow The Hooded crow (Corvus corone cornix) is the black & grey form of the European crow.
(In continental Europe and in the UK, also the 'Carrion crow' exists which is all black but otherwise identical.)

Cheers, Jens.

Jens' Wildlife 28-Nov-2005
Albert Conroy Hooded Vulture Animals 16-Apr-2006