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Author Title Folder Created
Bruce Thomas Hot Air Balloon Reflections...

Olympus C-5050Z Hot Air Balloon Festival in Colorado Springs

Bruce Thomas 12-Aug-2007
Mike McMullen Hot Cakes Purple

Taken in my little studio with a single 500w tungsten flood @ 3200K providing light to get a dramatic look.

The flower is an annual called Hot Cakes Purple.

Mike's Pics 30-Mar-2008
Brian Jacobs Hot Dogs Brian J. 12-Nov-2004
Ingrid Matschke Hot morning on the beach, Semaphore Pk, Sth Aust

This shot was taken this morning at about 9am and it was 30 degrees. It has now hit 40 degrees and we're expecting 41 tomorrow. Just thought I'd post this for all you people in the northern winter who are freezing your butts off ...... The authorities are worried that there are going to be major bushfires if any fireworks displays get out of hand tomorrow night with NYE celebrations as we've had a week of temperatures over 30 degrees.

Ingrid Matschke 30-Dec-2007
Bijan Falsafi Hot Paris Various 13-Sep-2010
Bob Doucette Hot Rod Bob Doucette 28-May-2008
Denny Giacobe Hot Rod

Was asked to shoot a hot rod for a new business sign, did 20 or 30 shots and came up with this. The black top was wet down to help with the reflection and keep it uniform.

DennyG 25-Aug-2011
Bill Hanks Hot Springs Village Golf

First attempt at Panoramic: hand held 3 shots

Bill Hanks 03-Jan-2005
dee vee Hotel cat

Marriott, Redding

Other than humans 07-Sep-2013
dee vee Hotel cat (2)

Redding Marriott

Other than humans 03-Oct-2013