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Hot Air Balloon Reflections...

Hot Air Balloon Reflections...
Copyright ©2007, Bruce Thomas
Viewed times

Olympus C-5050Z Hot Air Balloon Festival in Colorado Springs

Photographer: Bruce Thomas
Folder: Bruce Thomas
Uploaded: 12-Aug-2007 18:28 CEST
Current Rating: 9.50/2
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Camera: Olympus C5050
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Flash: no
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Image resized to: 602x834

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Very special, nicely done!

John Fronius at 19:55 CEST on 12-Aug-2007 [Reply]


Very nice effect this reflection of the balloons !!!...Best regards, Ricardo

Ricardo Rico at 19:19 CEST on 14-Aug-2007 [Reply]

Hot Air Balloon Reflections ... -re-visited:

Bruce -

I am really surprised more folks haven't commented (in a favorable way) about this image. The colors are vibrant - alive, and the rippling water's mirror effect works exceptionally well; the resulting fragmented symmetry is quite appealing to my eyes.

There's little doubt what this image really is; just the same it reminds me of some Central American fabric patters stitched upon the sky. Assuming you shot this SHQ of RAW this will make a (rather large) marvelous print.


Leon Plympton at 04:06 CEST on 15-Aug-2007 [Reply]


Thank you John, Ricardo and Leon...

This raced to my #3 most faved picture on Flickr, which did surprise me.

And - I never shoot RAW, Leon. I know...your supposed to get more out of it and all that, but I don't love spending time in the digital darkroom. Probably because I spent a LOT of time in analog darkrooms over the decades.

So, I like to do as much as I can 'in camera" - I actually carry things like a Nikon Soft filter, a cokin set with a dozen or so filters. I like to copy it out, adjust the contrast, re-size it, sharpen it, and be done.

I have found the Olympus digicams to be remarkable at "accurate white balance".

This picture is also remarkably sharp. Got to hand it to the C-5050Z, it's a heck of a little image-maker.

Thanks again for your kind comments...

-= Bruce =-

Bruce Thomas at 04:18 CEST on 15-Aug-2007 [Reply]


SUPERB reflection shot ......well seen and captured...!
Best regards...........Fons

Fonzy - at 11:34 CEST on 15-Aug-2007 [Reply]