The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Denny Giacobe 75mph.

27ft. Fountain on the Lake. Took 40 shots and came up with this. Denny G. Next week from a chopper 500 feet above.

Lk Shots 04-Jul-2007
Dirk Guttmann 7sleeper 1 Animal dirk 19-Aug-2005
Dirk Guttmann 7sleeper 3 Animal dirk 20-Aug-2005
Dirk Guttmann 7sleeper 4

I used the little white stick for focusing but the background iritates AF

Animal dirk 20-Aug-2005
Dirk Guttmann 7sleeper 5 Animal dirk 20-Aug-2005
manuel sousa 8 21-May-2006
Pedro Afonso Pedro Afonso & E500 26-Apr-2006
Sonya Carmona 80s not dead Documents 06-Nov-2007
Dirk Guttmann 8pm in VIS Architecture dirk 16-Aug-2005
9 to 5 Blues

Shot at a construction site in Detroit, Mi.

This shot was tough mainly because I had a helluva time getting 7 masculine men to stand so close to on another!!

Sloball's Photo-Art 07-Mar-2006