The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Lee W Window of Happiness

in China

Lee's Collections 16-Nov-2008
Filaretos Doukas Window reflection 1PicsFromGreece 14-Aug-2008
Mark Stodter Window Reflections

A mannequin.

Mark_Stodter 19-May-2012
Dave O Window Shopping Looseknee's Pics 06-Jun-2010
Loren Lewis Window sucker

A common housefly. This is not the first photo I have taken of a housefly from the other side of the window. I notice that on of the ways he holds onto it is by sucking on it.

Loren's Photos 13-Aug-2008
Richard de Jong Window2 Rich c5050 images 05-Jul-2005
Fonzy - Windows My-Miscellaneous 30-Jul-2007
Sergey Green Windows sngreen 08-Apr-2006
Ricardo Rico Windows Ricardo R. Rico 27-Mar-2007
Haroon Kassim Abdul Razack Windows Haroon Kassim 14-Sep-2009