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Author Title Folder Created
Denny Giacobe Running From The Storm (2)

Storm Coming In, I headed for the dock but shot this off the starboard side.

Lk Shots 12-Jul-2007
Sergey Green Running in the Park - 1 sngreen 15-Jan-2006
Sergey Green Running in the Park - 2 sngreen 15-Jan-2006
Dave Hall Running Rabbit? Hare?

Not sure whether this is a rabbit or hare. Caught it while walking in North Wales. I spotted a couple running, sat down and waited for one to appear, when it did, it didn't stay long! Not sure if I had the 1.4 converter on.

David's animal photographs. 03-Aug-2005
Ken Green Running under

Some ice on my local stream. Used a Circ polar and my new camera. Still have a lot to learn. Also tried a new sharpening technique, using different sharpening on each channel and then masking out the effect on the water. Opinions as always are appreciated.

Shots from Y-land 28-Dec-2005
kirsty bushell running water Common area 28-Oct-2006
Peter French Running Water

Taken at Loch Muick, Balmoral Estate, Scotland.

Peter's Landscape 28-Jan-2007
Bruce Thomas Running Water, it calms the soul...

E-330 11-22mm Lens Velbon Maxi Luxi-F Tripod

Bruce Thomas 07-Oct-2007
Denny Giacobe Running Wet

Snow mobiles running open water.

DennyG 27-Feb-2011
Ken Hinkelman Runway one nine-er Sigma 150mm Macro 22-Jun-2007