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Copyright ©2006, Ricardo Rico
Viewed times

Photographer: Ricardo Rico
Folder: Ricardo R. Rico
Uploaded: 27-May-2006 13:14 CEST
Current Rating: 9.00/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C5060
Exposure time: 1/320
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal length: 122mm
Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 80
White balance: Auto
Flash: internal
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Processing applied:
Image resized to: 600x720

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Great shot Ricardo....regards bevellee

Bevellee Bryceson at 13:35 CEST on 27-May-2006 [Reply]


Very nice shot Ricardo?
I guess it is living in your house as your pad..

Best regards,

Fonzy - at 16:24 CEST on 27-May-2006 [Reply]


You have actually captured some personality of the critter. I don't believe I've ever seen a lizard smile before. Nice shot!!


Jim Sabatke at 16:51 CEST on 27-May-2006 [Reply]


Bevellee Bryceson wrote:
> Great shot Ricardo....regards bevellee
MAny thanks Bevellee, Best regards, Ricardo

Ricardo Rico at 07:01 CEST on 28-May-2006 [Reply]


Fons van Swaal. wrote:
> Very nice shot Ricardo?
> I guess it is living in your house as your pad..
> Best regards,
Many thanks for your comments Fons. This kind of salamander live in the forest (near home), we found her crossing the road, we "rescue" her from this dangerous situation. I wanted to take a picture, so I brought home and later I released her in the same place (of course not in the road!!). This beautiful animal is protected here in Hungary. I another hand I refuse to have this kind of wild animal in home, they are very nice but in the nature. Best regards, Ricardo

Ricardo Rico at 07:25 CEST on 28-May-2006 [Reply]


Jim Sabatke wrote:
> You have actually captured some personality of the critter. I don't believe I've ever seen
> a lizard smile before. Nice shot!!
> Jim
Thank you very much for your comments Jim. You have an interesting point of view, I never thought about the "lizard?s smile", and now you mention this, is really true it looks like a smile. But really Salamanders belong to the amphibians (with tail) they are not lizard (Reptiles). Best regards, Ricardo

Ricardo Rico at 07:41 CEST on 28-May-2006 [Reply]


Shelley O'Connell wrote:
> The colors and detail of this salamander are fascinating!
> I see that you and Fons are both into 'rescuing'animals and then returning them to the wild.
> Regards,
> Shelley
I am sorry Shelley....I forgot reply to say many thanks for your kind comment, Best regards, Ricardo

Ricardo Rico at 18:20 CEST on 08-Jun-2006 [Reply]