The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

napper's e-510 photos

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Dave humphreys 10-Jul-2007

Title Info
River at night

First attempt at long exposure the noise reduction was off I will try with it on next time as there is very slight artifacts in picture from sensor noise.

Dave humphreys
10-Jul-2007 14:02 CEST
What a splash

Action shot at pleasure beach Gt Yarmouth

Dave humphreys
10-Jul-2007 14:02 CEST
Millie jpeg

jpeg version orf millie showing difference between a raw conversion and a shq version

Dave humphreys
10-Jul-2007 14:02 CEST

First attempt to produce a Raw picture with my new e510 the jpg version is next to this . I have never used Raw before but judging by this I will probably use it a fair bit. what a difference in photos!! and this is only a quick rough conversion from raw.

Dave humphreys
10-Jul-2007 14:02 CEST

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