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Ingrid Matschke

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Ingrid Matschke 04-Dec-2006

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Corellas in flight

These are Australian Corellas which were living in a park/trees in a town near here. They were everywhere, like a white carpet on the ground.

Ingrid Matschke
02-Dec-2006 22:49 CET
Double exposure

There was a car cruise on last night so after I got the 'old girl' out and gave her a wash I couldn't resist taking a few shots and happened to get this.

Ingrid Matschke
02-Dec-2006 22:49 CET
Semaphore Rd Sunset

This shot was taken in a hurry through the car windscreen while waiting at a train crossing (just before the train passed).

Ingrid Matschke
02-Dec-2006 22:49 CET

Photo taken of my daughter today while we were experimenting with a slave flash (which she was holding in her right hand). Looks like it worked.

Ingrid Matschke
02-Dec-2006 22:49 CET
Otter (2)

Taken at Adelaide Zoo on the weekend

Ingrid Matschke
02-Dec-2006 22:49 CET

Taken at Adelaide Zoo on the weekend

Ingrid Matschke
02-Dec-2006 22:49 CET
Old man baboon

Taken at the Adelaide zoo yesterday. He might be old but he's still the boss.

Ingrid Matschke
02-Dec-2006 22:49 CET
Australian pelican Ingrid Matschke
02-Dec-2006 22:49 CET
A scene from 'Mad Max'?

We were away recently travelling into the outback of South Australia when I came across this scene, it felt like I was standing in a science fiction movie.

Ingrid Matschke
02-Dec-2006 22:49 CET
Tug at Pt Adelaide Ingrid Matschke
02-Dec-2006 22:49 CET

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