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Let the dust settle on it?

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I don't know whether it's a fine translation of "Gras ?ber eine Sache wachsen lassen" - "let the grass grow over it" would it be literal. These pictures result from a walk over the Nazi party rally grounds in Nuremberg on a partially hazy sunny october day.

The area was a recreation area before, during and after the Third Reich. There is still discussion about the right way to deal with the dark history of Germany. Nuremberg has a very active and open way to address these issues. The town doesn't eliminate the remainings nor are there too many efforts to preserve them with respect to reconstruction.

I think it's important to preserve these remainings to show how architecture was used to support the Nazi propaganda and there is also a documentation centre which shows the role in an excellent way.

For more infomation see

Udo Altmann 16-Oct-2005

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