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Arc the Triomphe du Carrousel

Arc the Triomphe du Carrousel
Copyright ©2007, Fonzy -
Viewed times

The Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel (architects Percier and Fontaine) was built between 1806 and 1808 by Napoleon , following the model of the Arc of Constantine in Rome.

The arc is 63 feet high, 75 feet wide, and 24 feet deep.

The two small arches are 14 feet, 16 inches high and 9 feet wide.

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My-Miscellaneous
Uploaded: 05-Apr-2007 18:20 CEST
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time:
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Flash: no
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Image resized to: 602x800

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Arc the Triomphe du Carrousel

G'Day Fons!

I like this style but it seems just a bit too washed out, especially over the center arc, just below the horses and chariot. BTW: What was the focal length of this shot? I'm wondering if closer and wider might be better.


Leon Plympton at 23:43 CEST on 05-Apr-2007 [Reply]


Thanks Leon,

I dotched the centre a little to let the shadow of the German soldier come out better......!
Focal length 14mm shot with the ED14 -54mm I did not had my wide angle lens that time , now I would use it for these kind of shots....-))


Fonzy - at 10:51 CEST on 06-Apr-2007 [Reply]