The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

Flower at night

Flower at night
Copyright ©2006, Dietrich Gloger
Viewed times

A flower at night. I think it is a "chamomile". I used a flashlight instead of the inbuilt flash.

Photographer: Dietrich Gloger
Folder: Didl's Oly C-7070 pics
Uploaded: 04-Oct-2006 18:15 CEST
Current Rating: 10.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C7070
Exposure time: 1.6sec
Aperture: 4.0
Focal length: 50
Focusing method: Manual
ISO: 80
White balance:
Flash: no
Image format:
Processing applied: Raw conversion, levels, resized.
Image resized to: 600x449

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Thinking outside the box

In english Dietrich , we call using different tools then what they were originally intended for "thinking outside the box" or "using your noodle" and you have shown an inspired moment! Great stuff Dietrich .

Randall Beaudin at 18:05 CEST on 05-Oct-2006 [Reply]


Randall,thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words!
Regards, Dietrich

Dietrich Gloger at 18:25 CEST on 05-Oct-2006 [Reply]