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Dragonfly Anno 2006

Dragonfly Anno 2006
Copyright ©2006, Jens Birch
Viewed times

OK folks - it's August and everybody are shooting dragonflies again!

Here is my contribution for the 'In-flight' category. (Sorry don't know the species - maybe an Aeschna juncea ?)

I took it with the ZD ED 50-200 + EC-14 at full zoom + FL-40 set to -2 2/3 EV.

I never liked the shortest sync shutter speed of 1/160 when using the FL-40 but in this case, it turned out quite nice for the wing-beats - I think.
Pre-focusing at the anticipated distance helped the AF do it's thing when the dragonfly came close enough.

Cheers, Jens.

Photographer: Jens Birch
Folder: Jens' Macro
Uploaded: 07-Aug-2006 14:11 CEST
Current Rating: 9.00/3
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E1
Exposure time: 1/160
Aperture: f/8
Focal length: 283 (566) mm
Lens: ZD ED 50-200/2.8-3.5 + EC-14
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 200
White balance: Auto
Flash: external
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: muted the lower left diagonal, enhanced the contrast in the wingbeats, no cropping (yes it is tack sharp also at 100% :-))
Image resized to: 675x900

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An excellent picture, well captured with just the right amount of wing movement.

I think that it is Aeschna Cyanea (Southern Hawker.

By the way it is worth looking closely at all the dragonflys at the moment as there appears to be rare species showng up all over i.e. in the UK there has been a sighting and picture taken of the Southern Migrant Hawker - the first since 1952, and I have recently photographed a Yellow Winged Darter, which last shoewd up in the UK in 1991.

Once again - great picture.



Albert Conroy at 22:17 CEST on 07-Aug-2006 [Reply]


Whow ,
in flight macro of dragonfly is always spectacular.
Nice shot
Well done

Bruno Nardin at 20:21 CEST on 08-Aug-2006 [Reply]


Extremely beautiful picture !! then is not another dragonfly more !! Best regards, Ricardo

Ricardo Rico at 12:31 CEST on 11-Aug-2006 [Reply]