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Common House Flies Mating

Common House Flies Mating
Copyright ©2006, Fonzy -
Viewed times

This morning I walked in the garden and noticed these two house flies mating, went inside to get my camera , came back and they where still doing there thing.
Took this shot with 50mm macro and 25mm extension tube, this means I was about 2 cm away from them ,could make this shot before they flew away....
Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Insects 2006
Uploaded: 24-Jun-2006 11:03 CEST
Current Rating: 9.00/3
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E1
Exposure time: 1/125
Aperture: 8.0
Focal length:
Lens: ED50mm + EX-25 Tube
Focusing method: iESP P-AF
ISO: 400
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: Cropped-USM-minor work in PS to clean it up a little
Image resized to: 700x947

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Common House Flies Mating

As I saw the thumbnail I knew it was yours! You like this kind of a subject, don't you!? ;) What is 35mm Tube?

Sergey Green at 19:47 CEST on 24-Jun-2006 [Reply]


Sergey Green wrote:
> As I saw the thumbnail I knew it was yours! You like this kind of a subject, don't you!? ;)
> What is 35mm Tube?
> -
Thanks Sergey for this comment and generous rating....;-)
25mm Tube is a Extension Tube (ring) EX-25..
Sorry I wrote 35 mm had to be 25mm..I will change that...!
I guess you know where the Extension Tube is for...?


Fonzy - at 19:58 CEST on 24-Jun-2006 [Reply]


Thanks Nigel for this comment .
Yes you are right in saying "Even flies can be beautiful" .
When you see insects thru macro it's a totaly different world.

Best regards,

Fonzy - at 09:54 CEST on 25-Jun-2006 [Reply]


A great close up Fons.
With Macro photo, we discover an another world..

So, Fons I am interested to buy a macro lens.
HAve you some advice about hardware?
Lens ( 50 or 35 ? )
And what kind of flash to use?
Thank to you if you can spent some time to answer.
So if any one have some advice , (he,she) is welcome..

Bruno Nardin at 19:58 CEST on 25-Jun-2006 [Reply]


nice picture even for a non insects amateur like me

Piero Magnani at 00:18 CEST on 26-Jun-2006 [Reply]


Nice Macro shot Fons... Cheers, Ricardo.

Ricardo Rico at 07:44 CEST on 26-Jun-2006 [Reply]


Thanks Bruno for the comment.


Fonzy - at 10:48 CEST on 26-Jun-2006 [Reply]


Thanks Piero for this comment....

Best regards,

Fonzy - at 10:49 CEST on 26-Jun-2006 [Reply]


Thanks Ricardo.....

Fonzy - at 10:50 CEST on 26-Jun-2006 [Reply]