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Red Tulip

Red Tulip
Copyright ©2006, Sergey Green
Viewed times

Photographer: Sergey Green
Folder: sngreen
Uploaded: 19-Apr-2006 12:28 CEST
Current Rating: 8.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time: 1/30 s
Aperture: F/11
Focal length: 35mm
Lens: 35mm macro
Focusing method:
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 675x900

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I like the intense colors, a good macro shot!

Pedro Afonso at 12:31 CEST on 19-Apr-2006 [Reply]

Red Tulip

The red is always dangerous. Somehow it offset the greens.

Sergey Green at 12:36 CEST on 19-Apr-2006 [Reply]


Sergey Green wrote:
> The red is always dangerous. Somehow it offset the greens.
Yes. And I have the impression that it is still true in this picture.
I use to make a manual white balance before I shoot pictures of red tulips or poppies.

Udo Altmann at 13:37 CEST on 19-Apr-2006 [Reply]

clipped reds?

My guess is the reds are clipped but so what? It's all compromise anyway.


Donald Bryant at 19:11 CEST on 19-Apr-2006 [Reply]

Red Tulip

Donald Bryant wrote:
> My guess is the reds are clipped but so what? It's all compromise anyway.
> bert

I think reds do always get clipped somehow. It is less obvious with E-500 than with C-8080 though. With C-8080 I had to always compensate the exposure on reds (or use spot metering) and there seemed to be on other way about it. Somehow it is different with E-500; I actually moved levels sliders inwards to add red even more intense rendition. But yes, if you keep your finger on 'Alt' while moving the levels slider red will always show. It is the brightest of three channels.

Sergey Green at 08:37 CEST on 20-Apr-2006 [Reply]