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Spring is here

Spring is here
Copyright ©2006, Sergey Green
Viewed times

Photographer: Sergey Green
Folder: sngreen
Uploaded: 12-Apr-2006 15:33 CEST
Current Rating: 8.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time: 1/250 s
Aperture: F/8
Focal length: 200 mm
Lens: 50-200
Focusing method:
ISO: 400
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 660x900

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When I evaluate a phot, I look for all the usual stuff but most of all I value interest. Does the shot hold my attention and make me want to look at it more than once. This one does. There are always limitations on how the shot is taken, imposed by the site etc. IMO it's how the photographer deals with those limitations that makes the shot. I like the way you dealt with the limitations to this shot (ie the latice in the background). The only suggestion I would make is to groom the area around the base of the plant to remove any distractions. Some people view such grooming as impropper so it's a matter of taste. Perhaps blurring or even cloning out the leaves on the left would help to keep attention focused on the flowers. Overall I like it. Well done.


Donald Bryant at 16:37 CEST on 12-Apr-2006 [Reply]


This low viewpoint makes the flowers bigger than they are and that's what I like in this shot...

Well done,

Fonzy - at 19:24 CEST on 16-Apr-2006 [Reply]