The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs


Copyright ©2006, Marco Lazzeri
Viewed times

Photographer: Marco Lazzeri
Folder: Marco
Uploaded: 06-Apr-2006 05:14 CEST
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E300
Exposure time:
Focal length:
Focusing method:
White balance:
Flash: no
Image format:
Processing applied: resized
Various: Hoya 81b
Image resized to: 651x704

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Filter question

I'm curious why you used the 81B filter. Normally that would be taken care of by white balance. I would also think that the camera would auto adjust the white balance to correct for the filter.

Nice shot, btw!


Jim Sabatke at 15:18 CEST on 06-Apr-2006 [Reply]


Jim Sabatke wrote:
> I'm curious why you used the 81B filter. Normally that would be taken care of by white balance.
> I would also think that the camera would auto adjust the white balance to correct for the filter.
> Nice shot, btw!
> Jim

I just like my pictures warmer always. i dont like to fiddle with the white balance to often so i just leave it to the 81b to enhance it more. theres a difference with and without an 81b. unless you enhance it more on PS.


Marco Lazzeri at 10:55 CEST on 07-Apr-2006 [Reply]