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waiting for the bite

waiting for the bite
Copyright ©2006, Andrew Mclean
Viewed times

the lone fisherman on local beach..

Photographer: Andrew Mclean
Folder: starting out
Uploaded: 28-Mar-2006 18:10 CEST
Current Rating: 8.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time: 1/160 f7.1
Focal length: 43
Focusing method:
ISO: 100
White balance:
Flash: no
Image format:
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 548x730

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Did you fish also or did you just ran in to him..

Well I like this picture because I see my self standing on the beach again.

This pictures brings back memories from long ago.
We used to go fishing here also, in the winter we spend always a few day's on the beach and tried to catch some fish.
Very cold , sometimes we where lucky but many times empty handed back home.

Nice woodwork also, the breakers we have are just two row's of big wooden poles vertical in the sand, or stones that make a sort of dam....


Fonzy - at 20:34 CEST on 28-Mar-2006 [Reply]


thanks again fons
i too used to go fishing with my dad as a youngster but not now the winds blowing off the north sea are far to cold :)

Andrew Mclean at 20:26 CEST on 29-Mar-2006 [Reply]


Andrew just a hint:
when you reply to a comment hit the reply button instead of making a comment/rate again.
This way we are notefied by email that you respond on the comment .


Fonzy - at 21:26 CEST on 31-Mar-2006 [Reply]