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Collared Dove is back again

Collared Dove is back again
Copyright ©2006, Fonzy -
Viewed times

Maybe you are going to say "again a bird"....! Let me explain.
The weather is to bad to go out and so I have set-up my gear at the second floor in front of the window facing the garden.
So on a rainy day like this " yes the snow is gone " I overview my garden one's in a while .
Of course there are some birds who come to feed or take shelter and than I can shoot a picture or two.
Hopefully the weather will turn in to more sunshine, this to go out and take some other shot's then these common garden bird's.
So until this is not happened you are stocked with me and my bird pictures, hope you don't mind......;-)
Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Birds 2006
Uploaded: 08-Mar-2006 18:21 CET
Current Rating: 9.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E1
Exposure time: 1/125
Aperture: 4.9
Focal length: 425mm (850)
Lens: ED300mm+EC1.4
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 200
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 700x976

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Hi Fons,
why al these excuses??? This dove is just like you waiting for better weather, so you 2 stay together, and it is a very nice picture!
regards, Toziena

toziena benak at 18:45 CET on 08-Mar-2006 [Reply]


Thanks Toziena, you have seen it right.


Fonzy - at 18:54 CET on 08-Mar-2006 [Reply]


Thanks Reijo,

It's good to hear that there are a few people who like my bird pictures.
I have in mind that looking at a bird with your two eyes only gives you an quick expression from that particular bird.
Seeing it thru a camera you notice much more than the eye can see.
I have shot a few bird pictures last month and I am every time surprised by what I seeing.
This is what I like and hope to share with al the other viewers on this site...


Fonzy - at 21:20 CET on 08-Mar-2006 [Reply]


hey fons, birds are great and this one is perfectly captured.
nicely blurred background.
this dove looks cold..


Marco Lazzeri at 04:42 CET on 09-Mar-2006 [Reply]


Marco Lazzeri wrote:
> hey fons, birds are great and this one is perfectly captured.
> nicely blurred background.
> this dove looks cold..
> regards
Thanks Marco for this comment.
It is very cold, after the snow we have lots of rain but temperature is still very low.
That's the reason the Dove takes his head al the way down in to the feathers.


Fonzy - at 10:46 CET on 09-Mar-2006 [Reply]