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Country Escape

Country Escape
Copyright ©2006, Ben Poulter
Viewed times

Country House, Skipton

Photographer: Ben Poulter
Folder: Olympus E-1
Uploaded: 19-Feb-2006 19:35 CET
Current Rating: 9.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E1
Exposure time:
Focal length: 70mm
Lens: Olympus Zuiko 14-45mm
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: -A-
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: HQ
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 292x850

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Oh my, this is nice! It's a shame there wasn't more sky detail available, but that's photography for you.

My photography professor in college would have advised you to burn in the corners a bit, and I think that might be good advice here. That tends to frame and draw eyes to the center.

I love this shot.


Jim Sabatke at 19:49 CET on 19-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Like this picture very much, a little remark:
Is the building on a sloop, it seems to me it is leaning to right a bit.

Nevertheless a great picture..


Fonzy - at 20:01 CET on 19-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Fons van Swaal wrote:
> Like this picture very much, a little remark:
> Is the building on a sloop, it seems to me it is leaning to right a bit.
> Nevertheless a great picture..
> Regards,

Hi :)

Probably not, my photographys on a sloop here i think, very plane day today no real detail in the sky.

Ben Poulter at 20:06 CET on 19-Feb-2006 [Reply]