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Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)

Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
Copyright ©2006, Fonzy -
Viewed times

Finally we had some good weather today and the light was perfect. I was able to shoot a few bird pictures again.. The first one A Starling , always hungry and churching for food.

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Birds 2006
Uploaded: 18-Feb-2006 19:19 CET
Current Rating: 9.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E1
Exposure time: 1/250
Aperture: 4.0
Focal length: 425mm
Lens: ED300 + EC1.4
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 200
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 709x1000

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Another great bird shot Fons, I see you are really liking that lens combination, it's working very well for you
Cheers Steve

Steve Elliott at 19:38 CET on 18-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Steve Elliott wrote:
> Another great bird shot Fons, I see you are really liking that lens combination, it's working
> very well for you
> Cheers Steve
Thank you Steve, Yes this combination is great .
No lost in quality at all.
So set free the object from the background this is what you need....;-)


Fonzy - at 19:48 CET on 18-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Thanks Adrie,

When suddenly a Starling drops down in front of your lens ,you take pictures and don't think of creating space.
Taken pictures with an 300mm+1.4 converter is a combination you not change quickly.
When there is something to shoot , you do it , and don't change the combination first.
The bird will be gone by the time you are set-up again....;-)
See this pictures as a close-up or portrait from this bird.


Fonzy - at 21:22 CET on 18-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Shelley O'Connell wrote:
> Fons, this is a great bird portrait. You have shown this birds character. Apparently the are
> pretty naughty at times, at least here in N.A.!
> Shelley
Thanks Shelley,
You are write , they are naughty and greedy.
The other day I fill up the birdfeeder with all kind of seeds.
Suddenly a flock of Starling's dropped on it and it was empty in no time.
They chased all the other bird away and where really violent towards the other birds.
This is not an bird with a soft character as you already said , you can see it in the eye?s also I guess.


Fonzy - at 18:29 CET on 19-Feb-2006 [Reply]