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Grey Heron (5)

Grey Heron (5)
Copyright ©2006, Fonzy -
Viewed times

It is like this Blue Heron is getting bigger and bigger each day.
Due of the cold weather they push the wings from the body to create little room between the body and wings where the air in between acts as insulation
Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Birds 2006
Uploaded: 01-Feb-2006 17:54 CET
Current Rating: 8.33/3
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E300
Exposure time: 1/640
Aperture: 2.8
Focal length: 300mm
Lens: ED300mm
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: Cropped and a little USM
Image resized to: 746x1000

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Great pic Fons.
The english name of this bird is not blue heron, but grey heron.

Wim Westerhof at 20:37 CET on 01-Feb-2006 [Reply]

Grey or Blue Heron

Wim Westerhof wrote:
> Great pic Fons.
> The english name of this bird is not blue heron, but grey heron.

Thanks for the comment Wim.

The scientific name for this bird is "Ardea herodias"
In English this bird is named : Great Blue Heron
In common language this bird is named also Grey Heron or Blue Heron.

For more info about this bird have a look at:


Fonzy - at 20:51 CET on 01-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Ole Bornak wrote:
> Very good Fons, I can see it's cold in Holland too.
> Regards Ole.
Thanks Ole,

Yes it very cold over here, we had some snow today also.
No good weather to go out side and make nice pictures.


Fonzy - at 20:53 CET on 01-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Fons van Swaal wrote:
> Wim Westerhof wrote:
> > Great pic Fons.
> > The english name of this bird is not blue heron, but grey heron.
> >
> Thanks for the comment Wim.
> The scientific name for this bird is "Ardea herodias"
> In English this bird is named : Great Blue Heron
> In common language this bird is named also Grey Heron or Blue Heron.
> For more info about this bird have a look at:
> Regards,
Hello fons,
I just did a google search for this bird and found that the scientific name is not "Ardea Herodias" but "Ardea Cinerea".
The "Great Blue Heron"(Ardea Herodias) lives in North America, Canada, the Carribean and the Galapagos and during the wintermonths in Central and South America according the link you send me.
I see you like taking bird pics, do you know the site, there you can find a lot of beautiful pics from all kind of birds.

Wim Westerhof at 21:25 CET on 01-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Bedankt Wim je hebt volkomen gelijk, foutje van mijn kant.
Op google eens gekeken en daar wordt deze vogel ook Blauwe Reiger ( Ardea Cinerea )genoemd.
Dus letterlijk vertaald zou Blue Heron dan toch juist zijn of niet?

Goede link die bedankt....;-)

Fonzy - at 22:02 CET on 01-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Fons van Swaal wrote:
> Bedankt Wim je hebt volkomen gelijk, foutje van mijn kant.
> Op google eens gekeken en daar wordt deze vogel ook Blauwe Reiger ( Ardea Cinerea )genoemd.
> Dus letterlijk vertaald zou Blue Heron dan toch juist zijn of niet?
> PS
> Goede link die bedankt....;-)
Letterlijk vertaald zou het inderdaad blue heron zijn, maar ik kom als engelse naam alleen grey heron tegen.
dus ik neem aan dat grey heron de juiste engelse naam is.

Wim Westerhof at 22:24 CET on 01-Feb-2006 [Reply]

Grey or Blue

Thank you very much Shelley,

Yes there is a little differences in the Herons family.
When I see yours and compare it to my Heron I see a few things the European Heron is missing.
As Wim already said in his comment , this is indeed a Great Blue Heron.


Fonzy - at 22:26 CET on 01-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Fons van Swaal wrote:
> As Wim already said in his comment , this is indeed a Great Blue Heron.

No, it is a grey heron (Ardea cinerea).
Maybe you just mis-quoted Wim above - but that is impossible for us non-Dutch speaking to say.

Regarding the photo: It is a really nice and sharp portrait of the grey heron in winter.

Cheers, Jens.

Jens Birch at 09:49 CET on 03-Feb-2006 [Reply]


You are wright Jens, I made the same mistake again....
I changed to name in to "Grey Heron" .....

Thanks and regards,

Fonzy - at 10:08 CET on 03-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Another nice shot with the 300mm Fons. I know where I can photograph some Herons but I will wait for some good Spring weather first.

Phil Battersby at 13:17 CET on 06-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Phil Battersby wrote:
> Another nice shot with the 300mm Fons. I know where I can photograph some Herons but I will
> wait for some good Spring weather first.
Hi Phil,

Thanks again. waiting for some good spring weather is a good idea.
The colours will be more bright than, and a little sunshine is sure nice on your self also.
Did you see the shot from the Grey Heron that is on The ice eating from shunk of fish..?
Look in my folder , it's the bright Blue one.....;-)


Fonzy - at 13:06 CET on 07-Feb-2006 [Reply]