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Winterday in the Kinderdijk (nl)

Winterday in the Kinderdijk (nl)
Copyright ©2006, Fonzy -
Viewed times

Blue Sky ---Blue Ice---
A winter day in the Kinderdijk (NL) , with a few day's more frost during the night it would be possible to ice skate on the canals over there...
Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My-Travel
Uploaded: 30-Jan-2006 17:28 CET
Current Rating: 8.00/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E1
Exposure time: 1/250
Aperture: 7.1
Focal length: 11
Lens: ED11-22mm
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied: RAW to JPG- Cropped
Image resized to: 635x1000

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Mooie foto Fons!

Hopen dat het wat langer gaat vriezen.
Ik heb wel weer eens zin in een molentocht!



Arnold Schenkel at 20:09 CET on 30-Jan-2006 [Reply]


Bedankt Arnold.
Ja dat hoop ik ook..
De molentocht schaatsen, hoe lang is dat alweer geleden....
Zou mooi zijn maar het zit er niet in denk ik..

Fore the non Dutch....
Arnold is talking about the famous trip you can skate.
The windmills in the Kinderdijk are located on two canals in the polder ( lowlands )
When the canals are frozen you can skate a tour max. 50km long , shorter is also possible of course.
It is very nice to skate along the windmills passing little towns located in the polder.
Some people have set-up little stands where you can buy a hot punch ( drink) or bowl of soup.
After finishing your tour you have to show your stamp card ( located at different place you have to collect a stamp as prove you have past there) and you are rewarded with a medal.
We all hope fore more freezing weather so this event can take place again...



Fonzy - at 22:00 CET on 30-Jan-2006 [Reply]


Gewoon prachtig Fons.Like your style of cathing the moments of beauty.

Chris Can at 22:10 CET on 01-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Thank you very much Chris , I am blushing...;-)
Zeer bedankt voor het mooie commentaar, krijg er bijna warme oortjes van...;-)

vriendelijke groet,

Fonzy - at 22:50 CET on 01-Feb-2006 [Reply]