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Great Tit (5) re - uploaded

Great Tit (5) re - uploaded
Copyright ©2005, Fonzy -
Viewed times

I liked this one because of the background that turned out after playing in Adobe CS.

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Birds 2005
Uploaded: 15-Dec-2005 13:06 CET
Current Rating: 8.50/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E300
Exposure time: 1/100
Aperture: 3.5
Focal length: 200mm
Lens: ZD50-200
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: Cropped-background smudge tool
Various: As adviced by Sergey: Unsharp Mask 100%- 2 pixels
Image resized to: 644x900

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Very nice Fons.........regards bevellee

Bevellee Bryceson at 13:15 CET on 15-Dec-2005 [Reply]


Thanks Bevellee,


Fonzy - at 13:23 CET on 15-Dec-2005 [Reply]

Great Tit (5)

... a bit out of focus, though.

Sergey Green at 17:00 CET on 15-Dec-2005 [Reply]


After a second look I agree........;-(


Fonzy - at 18:15 CET on 15-Dec-2005 [Reply]

Great Tit (5)

Fons van Swaal wrote:
> After a second look I agree........;-(
> regards,

Well, actually I am not really sure. I would raise the edges a bit (unsharp mask) to about 2 pixels at 100% and see what it does. This image looks to me as it it is straight out of the camera. I would just experiment a bit.

Sergey Green at 19:19 CET on 15-Dec-2005 [Reply]

100% USM - 2 Pixels

Thanks for the advice Sergey,
I re-uploaded it with unsharp mask as you adviced and it looks better now...


Fonzy - at 19:58 CET on 15-Dec-2005 [Reply]

Great Tit (5) re - uploaded

Fons van Swaal wrote:
> Thanks for the advice Sergey,
> I re-uploaded it with unsharp mask as you adviced and it looks better now...
> regards,

The background is interesting indeed, I wonder what it is. So was this image taken from the window also? :)

Sergey Green at 20:20 CET on 15-Dec-2005 [Reply]


Yes it was taken from out my bedroom window, the weather over here is still no good to shoot outside.
The background is just a tree in my yard, I took the smutch tool and wrapped it over the leaves.
This came out and I was surpriced and liked it....


Fonzy - at 22:27 CET on 15-Dec-2005 [Reply]