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Carhead revisited

Carhead revisited
Copyright ©2005, Steve Elliott
Viewed times

A second visit to Carhead rocks, After discovering this place a couple of days ago (thanks to the new right to roam act), I decided to come back in a morning when the sun was lower and coming from different angle. I can see my self visiting here many times during the different seasons of the year.

Photographer: Steve Elliott
Folder: Steve Elliott
Uploaded: 12-Nov-2005 12:54 CET
Current Rating: 9.33/3
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E300
Exposure time: 1/250
Aperture: F7.1
Focal length: 58mm
Lens: 14-45mm F3.5-5.6
Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 100
White balance: Daylight
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied: Converted to Jpeg with RSE, Levels and USM and saved for web in PS
Image resized to: 599x800

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Great shot! Breathtaking view... Beautiful area...
I like all your landscape pictures. If you live there, your are very lucky!


eric geers at 20:03 CET on 13-Nov-2005 [Reply]


eric geers wrote:
> Great shot! Breathtaking view... Beautiful area...
> I like all your landscape pictures. If you live there, your are very lucky!
> Eric
Many thanks for your comments Eric I'm please you like my pictures.
I can walk from my house and be here in under 30 minutes, I have lived within 3 miles of here all my life it is a lovely place to live and i do consider myself very fortunate.
Best wishes Steve

Steve Elliott at 20:15 CET on 13-Nov-2005 [Reply]

Great colours......

A really beautiful landscape Steve, the autumnal colours really make this photo, though it is a very beautiful region in it's own right. You've just managed to bring out the foreground wonderfully with a great DOF, it really looks like 3D!

Maybe we can join up one day with our motorbikes and take some photographs in your beautiful countryside?

Best wishes


John Larkin at 18:55 CET on 14-Nov-2005 [Reply]


As alway's your landscape pictures are great, you can count me as a FAN from your work. I realy enjoy watching it.Hope to see lots of this country side in the future.

Best regards,


Fonzy - at 21:39 CET on 14-Nov-2005 [Reply]