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Tony Awards #2

Tony Awards  #2
Copyright ©2005, Kerland Elder
Viewed times

This beauty was quite a favorite with the crowd and photojournalist, alot of attention was centered around her when she appeared on the red carpet, people were excited and many shouted we love you !!! we love you !!! and her response was to plant a kiss in the palm of her hand and blow it to the crowd. Another celeb I had failed to recognize. Hope that anyone that view this pic and know who this is could give some info.

Photographer: Kerland Elder
Folder: rasputtin
Uploaded: 14-Jun-2005 01:57 CEST
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C5060
Exposure time: 1/45.0 sec
Aperture: f4.8
Focal length: 22.90mm
Lens: Tcon-30c
Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 125
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: Levels,USM & resizing to fit. PS 6.0
Image resized to: 636x848

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Thank You !!!!

Juan, thank you for your detailed and evaluative manner in which you viewed this photo, just makes me don't wannna stop ever taking pictures untill this comes like second nature, I really love photography and I know that this group of PAR- EXCELLENCE photographer's is one of the most healthiest loving sharing helpful bunch of people I have associated with and ask that God Bless you'll bountifully.

Kerland Elder at 06:03 CEST on 14-Jun-2005 [Reply]



Did you ever find out who this woman is? Since I don't watch mainstream TV I can't help but I am curious! She looks OK, a bit too old and a little to much surgical enhancement for me.

Nyal Cammack at 05:01 CEST on 12-Sep-2011 [Reply]