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A humble sparrow

A humble sparrow
Copyright ©2005, Phil Battersby
Viewed times

This sparrow has a sort of wild look in its eyes. It landed just within the depth of field, the slightly out of focus back seems to accentuate the pattern of browns on the birds back.

Photographer: Phil Battersby
Folder: Recent Photos
Uploaded: 09-Jun-2005 21:02 CEST
Current Rating: 10.00/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C8080
Exposure time:
Aperture: F8.0
Focal length: 130mm
Focusing method: Manual
ISO: 50
White balance: Auto
Flash: external
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: USM cotrast gamma correction.
Image resized to: 749x1024

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It?s nice to see the Sparrow back again Phil, this bird is slowly disappearing from our region.

Fonzy - at 21:27 CEST on 09-Jun-2005 [Reply]


Perfect, joy to see.

Fillip ter Haar at 17:20 CEST on 29-Aug-2005 [Reply]


Fillip ter Haar wrote:
> Perfect, joy to see.
Thank you for your comment, a lot of people ignore the common birds in favour of the exotic or rare.

I like your macrro shots, well lit and sharp photos, excellent.

Phil Battersby at 18:38 CEST on 01-Sep-2005 [Reply]