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Ascoli Piceno Cathedral

Ascoli Piceno Cathedral
Copyright ©2005, Piero Magnani
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Photographer: Piero Magnani
Folder: Common area
Uploaded: 05-Jun-2005 00:43 CEST
Current Rating: 6.50/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C8080
Exposure time: 1/2
Aperture: 2,5
Focal length: 28
Focusing method:
ISO: 100
White balance:
Flash: no
Image format:
Processing applied: Color, perspective, format in PSP 9
Various: using tripod
Image resized to: 630x473

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Ascoli Piceno Cathedral

Hi Piero, This is a great shot for you to learn more about the use of light. Have you tried "painting with light"? Put camera on tripod >set to bulb> and then walk around the cathedral open flash firing a flash >better yet use slaves to set off multiple sets of flash units. If you want to retain the warm colour of the roon, just use gels in front of the flash units. The flash units can also be the lower priced ones, as long as they have a test button!Once you have mastered this technique you will not look back. Keep trying, that's what it's all about eh!

Randall Beaudin at 15:22 CEST on 05-Jun-2005 [Reply]

Ascoli Piceno Cathedral

Hi Randall. The use of flash, difficult in such a structure, depends on what you want describe. If you want to show the architecture, you need light. But I wanted to describe the atmosphere in the cathedral where a ceremony was on the left and the other parts where on the dark. Exactly what you did in the picture 'yesterdays news': one could say that light is missing, but I think that this gives the right feeling of ancient times.

Piero Magnani at 00:45 CEST on 06-Jun-2005 [Reply]


I really like this image as it is, there is enough detail in the shadow areas to be interesting and the central point of interest is framed beautifully.

Phil Battersby at 14:15 CEST on 06-Jun-2005 [Reply]