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Copyright ©2005, Fonzy -
Viewed times

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Birds 2005
Uploaded: 02-Jun-2005 19:25 CEST
Current Rating: 9.00/4
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Sharing: 1 time(s).
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E1
Exposure time: 1/180
Aperture: 5.6
Focal length: 400MM
Lens: SIGMA 400MM
Focusing method:
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied: RAW TO JPG - USM
Image resized to: 551x800

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Aother excellent shot of this impressive bird Fons. I wish there were some near to where I live.

Phil Battersby at 20:06 CEST on 02-Jun-2005 [Reply]

Impressive bird

Thanks Phil, when are you comming over to Holland , I will show you where to find them....;-)

Fonzy - at 21:53 CEST on 02-Jun-2005 [Reply]

Ready to Strike

Thanks for you comment on the Blue Haron.

You are absolutely right the bird was just a second away to grab a frog I just mist it.

Fonzy - at 20:54 CEST on 05-Jun-2005 [Reply]

ready to strike

This picture is not only perfect from a technical point of view, but it is very powerful because the bird is on the left and suggests what is in the title.

Piero Magnani at 00:27 CEST on 06-Jun-2005 [Reply]

Ready to Strike

Thanks Pierro, for commenting and viewing my picture.

Fonzy - at 14:11 CEST on 06-Jun-2005 [Reply]

Ready to Strike

Hey Fons, Great shot. Just goes to show all the long lenses and fancy cameras do make a difference in the right hands eh ;-) I have been trying to get a decent shot of these guys for over 20+ years to no avail. Lots of patience for Still Life/ Tabletop, not much for Herons. Again, great shot.

Randall Beaudin at 15:12 CEST on 15-Jun-2005 [Reply]

Ready to strike

Thank you Randall , we have lots off Herons in the area. Just waiting on a little stream for 30 minutes will give you lots off changes to take pictures from them.

Fonzy - at 15:43 CEST on 15-Jun-2005 [Reply]